2021年12月10日(金)、BOIの吉井スタースィニー参事官を表敬訪問しました。BOI(The Board of Investment of Thailand)は、タイ王国首相府傘下の局に相当し、タイ国内への投資促進を担当するタイ政府機関です。吉井参事官は、私の大学時代のタイ語の先生でもあります。タイへの投資を行う日本企業の皆様に、BOIの情報もお伝えしていきたいです。
On 10th Dec 2021, We made a courtesy call on Counsellor(Economic and Investment) Suthasinee Yoshii of BOI(The Board of Investment of Thailand).BOI’s core mission is to promote investment by offering both tax-based and non-tax-based incentives. In addition, their mission also includes providing support to Thai investors looking to invest abroad. Counsellor Yoshii is also my Thai language teacher when I was a university student. We would like to offer valuable information from BOI to our clients.